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Natural Remedies for Common Skin Infections: Essential Oils to the Rescue

Natural Remedies for Common Skin Infections: Essential Oils to the Rescue



From boils to impetigo, skin infections can be both painful and unsightly. Dive into the world of essential oils and discover their potential in combating these common skin ailments.

Understanding Skin Infections:

  1. Boils:

    • Description: Begins as a small inflammation around a hair follicle, leading to a pus-filled cone. Often leaves a scar.
    • Cause: Primarily due to Staphylococcus aureus infection.
  2. Impetigo:

    • Description: A contagious skin infection, often seen on the face, especially around the nostrils, mouth, or eyes. Predominantly affects children under 10.
    • Symptoms: Starts as a red patch with pus-filled blisters, leading to yellowish crusts.
    • Cause: Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus bacteria.
  3. Whitlow (Paronychia):

    • Description: A painful infection around the nail edge.
    • Symptoms: Redness, swelling, and pus formation around the nail.
    • Cause: Often due to minor wounds or skin tearing around the nail.

Essential Oils for Skin Infections:

Harness the power of nature with these potent essential oils known for their anti-infectious properties:

  • Tea Tree: Renowned for its antibacterial properties.
  • Laurel Leaf: Known for its soothing and healing effects.
  • Clove: A powerful antiseptic.

Natural Remedies:

  1. For Skin Abscess:

    • Ingredients:
      • Ajwain Essential Oil: 1 drop
      • Lavender Essential Oil: 1 drop
      • Tea Tree Essential Oil: 1 drop
      • Calophyllum Vegetable Oil: 2 drops
    • Usage: Apply the mixture locally 3 times daily for a week.
  2. For Boils:

    • Ingredients:
      • Rosewood (Aniba rosaeodora): 4 ml
      • Petitgrain bigarade (Citrus aurantium): 4 ml
      • Clove (Eugenia caryophyllus): 1 ml
      • Cistus ladaniferus: 1 ml
    • Usage: Apply 2 drops directly on the boil twice daily.
  3. For Impetigo:

    • Ingredients:
      • Fistulous Monarde: 0.5 ml
      • Rose Geranium Egypt: 0.4 ml
      • Clove: 0.1 ml
      • Argan (VO): 5 ml
      • Hazelnut (VO): to make up to 50 ml
    • Usage: Apply the mixture locally 3 times daily for 3 weeks.


While essential oils offer a natural remedy for skin infections, always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any treatment. Embrace the healing power of nature for healthier skin.

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